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Aliyah Myers | Academics

Sixteen year-old Aliyah Myers is a consistent high achiever who has earned numerous academic awards throughout her educational journey.

She is a graduate of John Gray High School where she obtained 14 external examination passes and served as Head Girl for the 2018-2019 school year. While at John Gray, Aliyah was selected as the best student in her academy and year group for four consecutive years. She also received awards for Outstanding Attitude to Learning and Best Report throughout her time at the institution.

While it is undeniable that Aliyah’s successes are remarkable, it is her firm resolve and fierce determination that have many in awe.

In 2016, Aliyah's world was torn apart when both her parents were involved in a near-fatal motor vehicle accident. She would then spend an entire year separated from them as they obtained medical treatment abroad. Despite this challenge, Aliyah continued to blaze the trail of excellence that she had been known for since her enrollment at John Gray High School, a few years earlier.

Aliyah is presently a student at St Ignatius Catholic School. There, she is pursuing A-levels in Geography, Marine Science, Biology and Travel & Tourism with hopes to become an Environmental Scientist or a Meteorologist one day.

She is currently a member of the school’s Environmental and the Stock Exchange Market Clubs. Over the years Aliyah has also been associated with several groups including Plastic Free Cayman, Save Our Youth (SOY) Foundation, Leo’s Club, and the Women of Valor Basketball team.

We look forward to great things from Aliyah in the future.


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