To make the world a better place for us now and in the future, we must all play our part and pitch in in whatever way we can or know how. You might be thinking: ‘Why donate to charity?’, ‘How does this benefit me?’

Teen Summit campers led a beach clean-up in East End.
Most people might tell you it doesn’t in any way but we believe that investing your time, energy or money into great causes or causes that you’re passionate about gives you a sense of empowerment and fulfillment. Donating is a selfless act, so offering resources no matter how small, can lead to a feeling of self-worth, which a lot of us struggle with at times. Further reading will provide you with different ways in which to give back to the people around you.
Join a community garden. Many people have not spoken to or even seen their neighbors. Helping in this way will get you more familiar with the people around you and not to mention having your own organic produce in this day and age is a huge advantage as the prices at supermarkets are at an all-time high.
Donate blood. If you have no time or money to give, donating blood is a great option because it takes minutes to do and the benefits are vital. By doing this you are literally saving lives.
Sign up for a First Aid class. Another way to save lives is by taking a simple course or two so that in the future, if need be, you will be able to help someone.
Join a mentoring programme. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in all aspects of life. If you can join a mentoring programme or provide mentorship/guidance to a young person; or maybe even a younger sibling; consider doing this to make a positive impact in a safe and supportive space.

Former YouthFlex Crew and Cayman Islands Cadets band together for a YouthFlex Flip Challenge to "flip" negative stereotypes about youth; by painting the home of an elderly resident.
Volunteering at your local senior centre. Loneliness is a major issue that many older adults face. By taking time out to engage with them, you’re improving their way of living by having a bond that they will enjoy as well as keeping their surroundings pleasant. This can also be beneficial to you as well as older persons are a wealth of knowledge so you might be able to learn a lot of things as well as acquire new skills such as baking and crocheting.
Remember that no matter how small the donation, everything is helpful and appreciated.