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Recognising the
positive achievements
of Cayman’s youth...

Each year, the Proud of Them Youth Recognition Awards Programme seeks to publicly acknowledge the positive achievements of youth in the Cayman Islands. 15 Honourees are featured on billboards established across the Cayman Islands, to serve as an inspiration to all.

Suitable youth aged 10-25 years are recognised in one (1) or two (2) awarding categories of Academics, Career, Business, Sports, Culture or Community Service. Nominations are encouraged from every district so that Honourees have a direct and relevant connection to their nation.

Join the youth movement by nominating!

The deadline for (2024) nominations is 6th September 2024.

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Stay up to date with the latest notices and updates.

Complete this form to nominate youth in one (1) or two (2) award categories.

Nomination Process


Members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for exceptional Caymanian youth. The process consists of these three (3) steps:


1.  Persons (Nominators) who would like to make a nomination, must review all notices and then complete the online Nomination Form (which asks Nominators to include their own contact details; and contact details of their Nominee; along with a short justification of why they think this youth should be selected for the award.) Nominations are due by 6th September 2024.

2.  An automatic email is sent to the Nominee (upon submission of that Nomination Form). This email lets them know they have been nominated by an anonymous community member; and also asks them to submit additional documents as evidence to support their nomination. These documents are required to “complete a nomination” and must be submitted (by the youth) on/before the deadline of 13th September at 11:59PM. For more information on what kinds of documents are required, see our Guidance Notes.

3.  Once these documents are submitted by the Nominee, a Selection Committee reviews the nominations and will determine the 15 Proud of Them Honourees, along with the 2 Rising Stars. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Nomination Categories

ACADEMICS: Excelled or achieved exceptional attainment in an institution of learning.

CAREER: Excelled or achieved exceptional attainment in a chosen career.

BUSINESS: Demonstrated entrepreneurship in creating and developing a successful business.

SPORTS: Excelled or achieved exceptional attainment in the area of sports.

CULTURE: Achieved exceptional attainment in the area of cultural practice including the visual, performing, or traditional arts.

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Demonstrated, through the spirit of voluntarism and selflessness, a passion for the betterment of his or her community and improving the standing of his fellow humanity.

Nomination Parameters

All Nominees must meet the below parameters:​​


  • Caymanian and/or Right to Be Caymanian

  • Ages 10 – 25 years old

  • Have demonstrated a high level of attainment or excellence in the Award Category

  • Nominated for more than the maximum of two (2) Award Categories

Our 2023 Sponsors

Stay tuned for the official announcement of our 2024 sponsors.

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